Kristeen gets huge response from
a growing number of people - for obvious reasons a lot of David
Bowie Fans, but dueting with David Bowie means to stand in a
line with Mark Bolan, Bono from U2, Cher, Ray Davies from The
Kinks, Marianne Faithfull, Mick Jagger, Freddie Mercury/Queen,
Nine Inch Nails, Placebo, Tina Turner to name just a few
... not the worst place to stand in line ...
from fans (just a few): |

Meredith Tarr |
goinghome from |
The fans
that show up time and time again have done so over many,
many years. Not many artists can boast that.
Nor can many artists boast having been personally invited
by David Bowie to record with them and play at his release
parties. Nor can many assert that their albums contain
duets with Bowie and Brian Molko of Placebo, and now, that
they've been chosen by Morrissey to tour with him in his
native country.
Perhaps she's not for everyone. But she's for a lot of
people who are looking for the now rarely-heard voice and
sound of a true artist who speaks for many who aren't
finding many other contemporary artists that speak for
I have seen so many audience members become new fans -
something I almost never see in New York. Even
full-blooded hip-hoppers that just happened to be in the
venue. At first they eyed her suspiciously; then perked up
during her act; and by the end, were truly entranced. Time
and time again. |
Jana from |
kannte Kristeen Young bisher noch nicht, aber was ich da gerade
höre, gefällt mir wirklich sehr, sehr gut. "Bite down" ist bei
mir sofort ein Ohrwurm. Da weiß ich ja, was ich mir in der
nächsten Zeit anschaffen werde!!! Einen Fan mehr hat sie schon
translation: "I didn't know Kristeen Young so far, but I
like very, very much what I'm listening to right now. 'Bite
down' has immediatly been an 'catchy tune' for me. Now I know
what I'm gonna buy soon!!! She's got one more fan already")

Meredith Tarr |
_7_ from |
this song [Saviour] is awesome! It's one of the best male/female
duets I've heard in a looooooong time. Great voices, teriffic
production. |
Trash from |
song [Saviour]. I hope the album will be released in Europe soon. |
sonofsilence from |
heard it [Saviour] now, I really like this song. SO much melody
that sort of tune that sticks in your head.more more more. |
Scott Crawford @ |
Every once in a
while, you stand or sit in an audience and end up being
absolutely knocked on your ass by what you see. I'd like
everyone to know that Kristeen and Jeff did that to me on
Sunday. Those of you who were there know what I'm talking
about, and those who weren't should make plans to see them
soon. Utterly brilliant. |
Jeff Gaynor from jeffgaynor.virtualave. net |
simply one of the most remarkable and unique musicians to come
along in a very long lie.... |

Meredith Tarr |
eschwejlih from |
...reasons not to skip Kristeen Young on March 1st in NYC:
10. She rocks.
9. Many B-Netters are not as spoiled as King Tommy, ABHM,
Happyland, Mowie76, Gregstl, RebeccaB, myself and others and have
not had the experience of seeing her live.
8. Her band rocks.
7. She comes highly recommended by people like David Bowie and
Tony Visconti.
6. She and her band really kick ass.
5. This could be your chance to pick up her 'Breasticles' cd
featuring 'We Want More!?' and 'Saviour' (featuring David Bowie)
4. Her songs are really great.
3. It's a great opportunity to meet A LOT of other Bowienetters.
2. It's going to be a really fun night.
1. She fuckin' rocks!!!
Don't miss it!! |
Andrew Wiggins
aka alboreto @ |
Kristeen Young - Club Wicked &
Cargo, London - Nov. 26th & 30th 2003
Kristeen is an incredible talent
and I'm very pleased to call her a friend. Her voice is just
remarkable and she writes some genuinely interesting and powerful
songs. Get the CD and you will enjoy it; go and see her and you
will just marvel at her unearthly ability.
She's currently recording a new studio album with Tony Visconti in
New York and will be back in this country for new shows in
February. I can't recommend her enough. |

picture by
alboreto |
Morrissey from |
Kristeen's single is 'Kill the
Father' and is the best song I've heard for 50 years. I
especially love the line "strangle Bowie with/his
neckerchief" which, you must agree, is quite an idea.
Kristeen is from St Louis - which, I am told, is another
way of saying Mars [although I really shouldn't say this
in view of the fact that we play St Louis in November.]
Kristeen is a dramatic woman - monumental vocal gifts,
unwalkable heels, hypnotic way with the keyboard, and
underneath it all she is still 16 (and a half.) I
watch her set every night and I am dazed. I was thrilled
by audience reactions to Kristeen - especially in Iceland
and Italy where their intakes of breath could be heard as
Kristeen ripped into the high notes. She is an artist who
adapts the world to her own needs, which I appreciate.
There's no other way. |
Peter Hill from |
last night, whilst on a shoot with a
band at the marquee in london, i came across THE most
incredible singer you'll ever here. her name is kristeen
young and she is over in the uk for a month playing some
shows. bowie's already a fan and she is going to be HUGE.
go to and show some respect :) her
shows are listed on there and you really wanna catch her
now before you can't get in for all the touts... xx |
unknown from |
Kristeen Young is
Kate Bush’s keyboard playing evil twin sister. |

picture by
alboreto |
Mark Brumfield @ |
[About "Meet Miss
Young ...] This is the only CD I have ever seen by Miss
Young although I have heard there are others. I want them
if they are out there because this one totally took me by
surprise and I have yet to hear anyone else like her. I've
heard the words Goth and Industrial associated with her
(Goth I can kind of see) but the bottom line is that she
writes really good songs and presents them with an
intensity that grabs you immediately. I check out Amazon
every once in a while to see if any of her other CDs (if
they are in fact out there) have become available. In an
age of musical fluff and flash Miss Young was true to her
muse and created something truly original. |
from |
I thought Kristeen Young was
brilliant too - that is, she is obviously very gifted
musically and I've never seen a keyboard used to such
tremendous effect - she could have had a ten man band on
stage to support her according to the sound it made.
Yes she is gifted along with her drummer, but I found her
songs oddly discordant and unengaging - beautiful noise
and all that, but not something I would want to listen to
on daily basis.
Personally I think Kristeen needs to craft beautiful songs
(like the main act) to engage audiences and then go
leftfield and eccentric when she's made the big time.
I'm not being remotely critical here, supporting Moz must
be a daunting task and performed superlatively. I just
hope the next time I see her - the songwriting contains
more melody.
The comparison, made elsewhere on this board, with Kate
Bush was spot on. |
Mrs. Woolf from |
Yeah, I've listened
to some of her exerpts, after reading a comment of Moz's,
saying "she is bigger than the world". She is strange, but
in a positive sense. She sounds like a mixture of Bjork
and Tori Amos, and she dresses a bit like Bjork too, but
in a more gothic, punk style. Her spirit is very intense,
very dark, yet there is something of a fairy in her. I
don't consider her exactly unique, though, but this is
harder in our days than back in the 70's and 80's, and she
does well in standing out - otherwise, probably Moz
wouldn't even notice her. Her looks are great, and her
singing can be actually really grasping at times. |
Mark from |
I have to say that I
do have to get too excited about a particular subject.
Kristeen Young! Will somebody please take her bloody cd out of permanent
loop in my stereo, the chaos is killing me! I cannot belive that someone as unique as her in voice,
style and performance has not been snapped up and
dragged around the world. I cannot wait for her to come to England in April. Every song on 'Breasticles' is awesome, well except for
that one with the old dribbly crooner [David Bowie] ;o). |
tom at (13.9.2001) |
I 1st caught Ms.
Young back in 93, when she fronted Waterworks (find their CD
too,self titled) at Mississippi Nights in the STL area. WOW. was
I blown away, and have been ever since. She is a true original,
you'll either get her or you won't. Not only is this a cd that's
all over the place musically, it's also consistantly great.
Stand out traxs are "Sweetest Freedom", "PE
9.14" and the wailing in "Marley's Ghost", which
are amazing. Go and see Ms. Young live if she comes to your
town, be prepared for a unique treat. Words cannot express how
her and her voice can command a stage, & she'll NEVER bore
you. ALL of her cd's are gems, find them and devour em.
I'll drop almost anything to go and catch her live. And I will
give her this, it doesn't matter how many people are in the
venue, she plays like it's packed and gives 110% (like at the
old Cicero's when NOBODY was there). That's a trait I've always
admired in her for not many artists will do that.
She is one artist that I have force-fed to numerous people with
no regrets. |